Colombia Bryan Smith
Colombia Bryan Smith

Colombia Bryan Smith

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Country: Colombia

Farmer: Bryan Smith

Location: Pitalito, Huila

Farm: La Brisas

Variety: Red Bourbon

Altitude: 1800 - 1850 m.a.s.L.

Process: Natural EF2

Tasting Notes: Wildflower Honey, Baked Red Apples, Raspberry Jam, Lively

This coffee was grown by Bryan Smith at the farm La Brisas. This coffee was exposed to a dry aerobic fermentation of 24 hours before being placed inside GrainPro bags for 50 hours at a temperature below 22 Celsius. Then the whole cherries were placed on raised beds until 11% moisture content was achieved.

This micro-lot is 100% Bourbon. This varietal is a natural mutation of the Coffee Arabigo. The name Bourbon was given after an island now called Reunion, off the coast of Madagascar.